Holding On....

Hey Ya'll!!

I know it's been awhile but I just wanted to share this song with you. I've been playing this song on repeat today and the past couple of days. This song has really encouraged me especially during the crazy stuff I've been through the past few months. God is soo good and He has def helped me. I've been holding on to Him, but most importantly He has been holding on to me!!! I hope this song blesses you as much as it has blessed me! :-)

Be Blessed!!!

Melissa :-)


Hey everyone!!

I know its been a minute since I've posted. I have to say that I am feeling soo encouraged right now!!! :-) Things have been a bit crazy the past couple of months and there have been some changes that have taken place, but through it all, I am encouraged!! The joy of the Lord is my strength and I am enjoying that strength and joy right now. :-) God is soo good!! The enemy is NOT going to steal my joy! I am thankful that I know who holds my future and that my life is in HIS hands. God is so faithful... when man lets you down, God will NEVER let you down. I love how the Lord uses challenges to form and grow us. I pray that the Lord continue to give me His grace to walk in love and forgiveness... and to be formed and made like Him. It can be so hard, but I am thankful that God is helping me through it all.

I am also sooo excited because I will be graduating in exactly 3 months!!! I cannot wait!! This has been a long journey but I am so close to the finish line!! I am looking forward to finishing strong. I am sooo pumped about graduating and moving one step closer to that which the Lord has planned for me. I have to say that I have not walked this journey alone but am thankful for the wonderful people he has put into my life to encourage me. I have to thank my husband Henry. He has been so supportive through this whole experience. I thank God for blessing me with a great friend and supporter!! I LOVE YOU BABY!!! :-)  I also have to thank my mom for her encouragement and prayers. She has been a wonderful cheerleader and her support means more to me than she knows... THANK YOU MOM!!!! :-)

Well I gotta get... I need to work on some school stuff now...

Have a BLESSED week!!!

Melissa :-)


A couple of weeks ago Bishop Johnson spoke about loving those who are difficult to love. He said that when you find it hard to love someone, that the Lord is trying to work out something in you. He has also been talking about forgiveness lately. As he was preaching today I remembered a blog that I had written almost 6 years ago about those very same things. Lately I have been dealing with some situations where these words definitely apply. I have been dealing with my feelings of unforgiveness towards specific individuals who have really hurt me. Hurtful things have been done and said to me recently. And I'm going to be very honest, I'm having a really hard time letting go of the hurt and forgiving these individuals. I guess that's why this word really jumped out at me. I know that the Lord will turn these things around for good, but its still hard. But this word reminded me of the words that I typed almost 6 years ago not knowing that I would be facing these things today. But I believe that the Lord gave me those words for such a time as this. I know that other things will happen and come, but I need to hang onto this word for here and now. I wanted to share this blog with you all in the hopes that it can be an encouragement to others who might find themselves in the same type of situation like me. I hope and pray that this blesses you all and encourages you all as well....

Be blessed!!!



Current mood:Reflective

Christ-likeness...Many people have the desire to be Christlike, but what does that really mean? To me being Christ-like means loving the way that Jesus loves. Forgiving the way that He does. Loving others past the hurt that they have caused you, knowingly or unknowingly. That you love the hardest, those who have hurt you the most. Forgiving when it feels impossible, looking at others through the eyes of God. Forgiving those who have taken from you what is yours. Releasing any and all offenses that you have or held on to for so long. So many people say that they want to be like Jesus, but do they really know what that means? Being like Jesus means loving beyond your hurt and forgiving those who don't even know that they have offended you. It means praying for your so-called enemies and blessing those who curse you. Being like Jesus means turning the other cheek, when you would rather hit back. It means forgiving others even when "they know not what they do" to you. Being Christ-like is more than just a desire...it is a lifestyle. I pray that that Lord help me and show me how to be like Him. Just some thoughts...

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