An oldie but a goodie....

 This is an old blog that I posted on Myspace....back when it was actually popular to be on Myspace.... lol... It's def an oldie but goodie.... Enjoy!!

Current mood:Reflective

Christ-likeness...Many people have the desire to be Christlike, but what does that really mean? To me being Christ-like means loving the way that Jesus loves. Forgiving the way that He does. Loving others past the hurt that they have caused you, knowingly or unknowingly. That you love the hardest, those who have hurt you the most. Forgiving when it feels impossible, looking at others through the eyes of God. Forgiving those who have taken from you what is yours. Releasing any and all offenses that you have or held on to for so long. So many people say that they want to be like Jesus, but do they really know what that means? Being like Jesus means loving beyond your hurt and forgiving those who don't even know that they have offended you. It means praying for your so-called enemies and blessing those who curse you. Being like Jesus means turning the other cheek, when you would rather hit back. It means forgiving others even when "they know not what they do" to you. Being Christ-like is more than just a is a lifestyle. I pray that that Lord help me and show me how to be like Him.
Just some thoughts...

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