Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Smiling with mom
So today is my mom's birthday. I am so blessed to have her in my life. :-) I want to take this time to honor my mom.... Beth McCaw. :-)  Mom you are such an awesome woman. You are truly a woman of God and I look up to you.  You have been through so much but yet you still love those who have mistreated you. You truly love others as Jesus loves them. I am so glad to have been able to share my life with you. I appreciate all that you have been to me. I know that there were times when you had to discipline me, but I have truly become a better person for it. Thank you for loving me the way that you do. I am so blessed...I love that I not only call you my MOM but that I also call you my FRIEND... I LOVE YOU!!! :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!

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