I'm still here..... :-) Just some thoughts....

Hey Ya'll!!

I must admit it has been too long since I have really posted anything on my blog...It seems like every "free" minute I have gets claimed and used for something else...  Needless to say things have been sooo busy... But I am very excited about where I am in my goals and life right now.

I have just completed my second year of grad school (YAY!!!) and only have one more to go! I am soooooo excited. However, I know that this next year is going to be CRAZY!!! I know that the Lord will give me the strength I need to get through this year.

I'm also very excited about summer break!! I have 8.5 school days left and exactly 2 weeks left until SUMMER BREAK!!! YAY!! I am soo looking forward to this summer. I can't wait to relax and enjoy my break. I don't have to plan any special events so I get to use my free time to REST!!! I would like to do more things this summer...more relaxing things... like hobby things....  I think I will try to read more books this summer. I also picked up the habit of couponing. Now I don't walk around with a binder full of coupons, but I have been able to save some nice money by using them. So I think that I will continue that hobby and improve on it this summer. I also plan to exercise more consistently. I have been walking a lot lately and want to start running more also. I walked 2 miles today and did my crunches...so I'm pretty pleased about that. :-) My goal is to continue to exercise so that I can stay fit. I gotta maintain...especially since we want to start a family soon. ;-)

Well I know this was short and I was kinda all over the place in this post....but I wanted to post SOMETHING since it's been awhile... :-)

But yep... 4 months til 30!!! I'm excited!!!! :-)

Well I gotta get....have a blessed night ya'll!!! :-)

Melissa :-)

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