Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hey everyone!

I know it's been a while since I have written. It's been very, VERY busy lately. However... I wanted to post a few videos for ya'll for Valentine's Day. I can say that I have been truly blessed with an AMAZING husband. He is one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received and I love him sooooo much!! :-)  I am posting a few songs that are fitting for Valentine's Day and that we love. 

The first video is by Anthony Hamilton called Can't Let Go. It's a beautiful song & I love the words.

This next song is by Ayeisha Woods. It was on her first major release and it's a nice one.

Here is another good wedding/love song. I LOVE IT!! :-)

Another fave...love it!! :-)

I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it...Enjoy!! :-)

I hope that you are having a wonderful Valentine's Day with the one you love.

God is LOVE and LOVE is beautiful!!

Be Blessed!!!

Melissa :-)

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