Goodbye 2011.... Hello 2012

Wow!!! I can't believe this year is over!!! I have to admit that I am sooo glad that 2012 is here... This year has been a very difficult one, but I'm looking forward to 2012. Between work, internship, life and other issues that I won't go into, its been a challenging 2011. I know that those challenges and issues made me stronger and a better person and for that I am VERY grateful. I know that the Lord carried me through those times and gave me His grace to handle everything that came my way. I'm looking forward to a year of healing, refreshment, excitement, and all things wonderful!! I'm gonna start this year out with a positive attitude and mindset. I'm gonna keep smiling!!! :-)

I have some exciting things to look forward to this year. I'm looking forward to graduating!! It has been a long 3 years but I'm thrilled to be finishing up my Masters. :-) Another exciting thing happening this year is that Henry and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage!!! I can't believe that it will be five years already!!! I'm soo excited!! :-) I guess we don't qualify as newlyweds anymore... But I still feel like one. ;-) My love for Henry has grown sooo much over these almost 5 years. When we got married, u couldn't imagine loving him more than I already did on that day.... But my love for him has grown soo much more than what I could've ever imagined. I know that it will continue to grow and I look forward to it!!! :-)
I am also looking forward to starting with Henry soon. We get that question all the time... "When are ya'll gonna start a family?" Well we both graduate this year with our Masters so we hope to start trying/planning for baby this year. No there's nothing "cooking" right now, but I'll be sure to let ya'll know when it happens!! ;-)

Well I gotta run....heading to church to thank the Lord for His goodness, mercy, love, etc. during this past year. I have sooo much to be grateful for!

I hope you all have a blessed new year full of many blessings, growth, lots of love and more. Happy New Year!!!! 

Be Blessed!!!

Melissa :-)

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