
Hey everyone!!

I know its been a minute since I've posted. I have to say that I am feeling soo encouraged right now!!! :-) Things have been a bit crazy the past couple of months and there have been some changes that have taken place, but through it all, I am encouraged!! The joy of the Lord is my strength and I am enjoying that strength and joy right now. :-) God is soo good!! The enemy is NOT going to steal my joy! I am thankful that I know who holds my future and that my life is in HIS hands. God is so faithful... when man lets you down, God will NEVER let you down. I love how the Lord uses challenges to form and grow us. I pray that the Lord continue to give me His grace to walk in love and forgiveness... and to be formed and made like Him. It can be so hard, but I am thankful that God is helping me through it all.

I am also sooo excited because I will be graduating in exactly 3 months!!! I cannot wait!! This has been a long journey but I am so close to the finish line!! I am looking forward to finishing strong. I am sooo pumped about graduating and moving one step closer to that which the Lord has planned for me. I have to say that I have not walked this journey alone but am thankful for the wonderful people he has put into my life to encourage me. I have to thank my husband Henry. He has been so supportive through this whole experience. I thank God for blessing me with a great friend and supporter!! I LOVE YOU BABY!!! :-)  I also have to thank my mom for her encouragement and prayers. She has been a wonderful cheerleader and her support means more to me than she knows... THANK YOU MOM!!!! :-)

Well I gotta get... I need to work on some school stuff now...

Have a BLESSED week!!!

Melissa :-)

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